
Merry Christmas 2011!

Merry Christmas to all! ^^


Answer my poll for chosing the next
drawing in "Kokeshi Style"! ^^


Work in Progress... Chibi Samurai Couple

 Rough sketch, but I think it looks cute... =3
so I'm going to make it a finished drawing.

Any color suggestion?


Spring Edo-kun!

Finally, after six months... 
another of my japanese seasons/ historical eras series!!  \o/

Spring Edo-kun!

This samurai from the Edo period (1603-1868) wears hakama trousers and a sleeveless jacket with "high" shoulders (kataginu) over his kimono. The pair of swords, katana and wakizashi, is called "daisho" - literally "big and small", and indicates the status of samurai on this time period.

He holds a closed fan, and has a piece of paper on him
(a letter from his girlfriend, I guess =3 ).
The pattern is all sakura (cherry blossom) and the colors are very simple...
I tried to keep the pastel tones as in the Edo Spring girl,
only with more masculine tones...

He looks very discrete, next to the super-flashy Sengoku-kun...
Also, i love his haircut and wild-looking eyebrows... so cute! <3

Meiji Winter-kun is next! ^_^