
Merry Christmas 2011!

Merry Christmas to all! ^^


Answer my poll for chosing the next
drawing in "Kokeshi Style"! ^^


Work in Progress... Chibi Samurai Couple

 Rough sketch, but I think it looks cute... =3
so I'm going to make it a finished drawing.

Any color suggestion?


Spring Edo-kun!

Finally, after six months... 
another of my japanese seasons/ historical eras series!!  \o/

Spring Edo-kun!

This samurai from the Edo period (1603-1868) wears hakama trousers and a sleeveless jacket with "high" shoulders (kataginu) over his kimono. The pair of swords, katana and wakizashi, is called "daisho" - literally "big and small", and indicates the status of samurai on this time period.

He holds a closed fan, and has a piece of paper on him
(a letter from his girlfriend, I guess =3 ).
The pattern is all sakura (cherry blossom) and the colors are very simple...
I tried to keep the pastel tones as in the Edo Spring girl,
only with more masculine tones...

He looks very discrete, next to the super-flashy Sengoku-kun...
Also, i love his haircut and wild-looking eyebrows... so cute! <3

Meiji Winter-kun is next! ^_^


Artist Feature - Haruyo Morita

I'm amazed by the talent of this artist!
Her kabuki-inspired paintings are simply amazing!

Absolutely inspiring works! <3


I'm not dead...

Just terribly busy. No drawings or articles this time, sorry. ^^'

But... I found this amazing website about japanese castles, with lots of information, beautiful photos and maps with many, many castles in Japan...

The site author traveled for years visiting japanese castles... If you love castles, ancient architecture, gardens or japanese history, it's totally worth to check out <3

Some photos from the site:

Amazing castle interiors...!
(also, I love the mannequin's kimono ;P)


Another quick drawing...

Tiny fanart of My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic. 
MLP is so nostalgic... the characters are very cute! ^^

Human version of Fluttershy ^^


Chibi Rapunzel sketch

A 15 minutes sketch of Rapunzel (and Pascal)...

...I love Tangled! The best Disney movie EVER!

Lazy sketch is lazy. XD


Beautiful kimono - 01

I just love kimono... So, decided to share some pics I found of the most lovely kimono types! <3

Today: Homongi & Tsukesage kimono ^^

The homongi is a semi-formal kimono worn by both married and unmarried women. It was worn by high class ladies as a go-out dress in the Meiji period (1868-1912), but nowadays it's majorly worn at tea ceremonies and weddings, by distant relatives or friends of the marrying couple.

It has short sleeves and colorful decorations, being the most flamboyant kimono worn by married women, and the second most for unmarried ones. The most opulent kimono for unmarried women is... 
the next post's subject! (ta-daah!). XD

Beautiful turquoise homongi... I love this color! <3

The tsukesage is very similar to the homongi, only more discrete, pattern-wise... The motifs appear only below the waist line and on the rigth sleeve and shoulder.

Blue tsukesage... the light-gold obi looks so harmonic!
Light-green... the obi-jime matches the flower motif.
Pink! <3 My absolutely favourite color...
Another pink one, with sakura motifs. ^^ So delicate!
A soft yellow-ish tone... very elegant!
Soft lavender - adorable!

These pastel palletes are so beautiful...! <3


Another WIP...

I wish I wasn't so completely busy lately... I want to draaaaw... -_-

This poor chibi has been sitting patiently in my PC 
since last year, waiting to be finished...

Cute king Louis XVI, to match Marie Antoinette-chan.
I hope I can manage to finish him soon...

His outfit and wig are heavily inspired as seen on these paintings:

I really love roccocco fashion... <3

...After I finish Louis XVI, I've been thinking of drawing other chibi historical figures... Chibi Julius Caesar, Queen Elizabeth I and Murasaki Shikibu keep popping in my mind. ;p


Works in progress...

After drawing Guinevere, I started another medieval lady... 
A queen with a hawk this time. ^_^  It's still in progress, thou.

I love this model of dress with two layers 
(worn in the XIV century, if I'm not mistaken...).

 ...And a sneak-peek on my next seasons/japanese historical eras series...
Spring Edo-kun! <3

 His haircut is so cute! ^_^


First Post! ^_^

So, I finally decided to start my own blog! I'm so excited about it! \o/

I'll post here my finished drawings, as well as WIPs and sketches that I don't bother to post on my DeviantArt account... also lots of other things, like anime and movie reviews (I'm wishing to start posting my own movie/anime reviews on the internet since, like, forever...), interesting links and - maybe - articles about kimono, wafuku, historical fashion in general... or other stuff too.
The layout almost killed me and it's not finished yet... I'm too tired to post anything interesting for now, but stay tuned, I'll update frequently! ^^
Thank you for visiting!