
Beautiful kimono - 01

I just love kimono... So, decided to share some pics I found of the most lovely kimono types! <3

Today: Homongi & Tsukesage kimono ^^

The homongi is a semi-formal kimono worn by both married and unmarried women. It was worn by high class ladies as a go-out dress in the Meiji period (1868-1912), but nowadays it's majorly worn at tea ceremonies and weddings, by distant relatives or friends of the marrying couple.

It has short sleeves and colorful decorations, being the most flamboyant kimono worn by married women, and the second most for unmarried ones. The most opulent kimono for unmarried women is... 
the next post's subject! (ta-daah!). XD

Beautiful turquoise homongi... I love this color! <3

The tsukesage is very similar to the homongi, only more discrete, pattern-wise... The motifs appear only below the waist line and on the rigth sleeve and shoulder.

Blue tsukesage... the light-gold obi looks so harmonic!
Light-green... the obi-jime matches the flower motif.
Pink! <3 My absolutely favourite color...
Another pink one, with sakura motifs. ^^ So delicate!
A soft yellow-ish tone... very elegant!
Soft lavender - adorable!

These pastel palletes are so beautiful...! <3

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