
Mai Princess - Cinderella

Finally, the second in my Princess series...

"...but at the Stroke of Twelve o'clock the spell will be broken, 
and all will return to be as it was..."

For Cinderella... From start I decided I wanted to follow the Disney movie "original" color scheme - redhead-ish Cinderella (not Aurora-like blonde) and silver (not blue) dress. I love how her dress looks ethereal in the movie, as if it was really magical, not simply a fancy normal dress...

So, the concept that came to me was: this dress... it must look like liquid diamonds! And silver! And glass!
Surely an ambitious task, and I'm not sure if I managed to do it... 
But after many hours and lots of trouble, I personally like the final result. ^_^

Besides the fabric - that I wanted to look "magical" - Cinderella's dress design was also very hard. It was so clean and simple that changing it and adding detail and still keep it Disney-reconizable was... uff, hard! In the end, I went for transparece and... overdoing the foofy overdress. That part was surely fun! <3

I like the lace mask... since Cinderella really only makes sense to me if the ball was a Masquerade. Also, I added a small clock on her choker, since I wanted to incorporate the element of the clock in the drawing...
I was initially planning to make all the princesses wear crowns... but Cinderella's tiara is also a classic element from her look. So I kept it, only full of diamonds and silver, so it still counts as a "crown". The curls are vaguely based on the pumpkin carriage "vines", althou I know it's hard to tell. ;P

And the glass slipper, of course! ^_^

Wich princess should be the next in the series...?

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